

 At the outset let me thank all the parents out here for spending their valuable time for our PDP session. Dear parents on behalf of all my friends out here, I can assure you we will gather a lot of information’s from this session and come out in flying colours as we grow.
I also would like to thank you all for providing me this opportunity to become the MC for today.
Let’s keep silence for a minute for the departed souls in Paris last week due to terrorist attack.
Introduction of Venus
Do you know which is the brightest planet of the Milky Way? Any guesses.
The girl, who loves, fancies and takes care of babies, the pet of our Nirmal family. Let’s put our hands together to call upon the pretty, smarty Venus to narrate the story “Terry the terror”.
****Excellent story with a great moral. Good work Venus.

Introduction of Janvi
There is no better friend than a sister and there is no better sister than Janvi- the greatest gift my parents have ever given me.
Let’s see what Janvi has in her mind to share with us on “women empowerment”
Kindly Welcome Janvi with a loud round of applause.
**** That was a REMARKABLE speech Janvi; we promise that we will hereafter help our mothers in sharing her work NO OUR WORK

Introduction to Aisha
The nightingale of PDP, the most polite, soft natured yet bold, expressive and above all, the shining star of Rajagiri School.
Yes its none other than Aisha, Let’s call upon Aisha with a loud applause to talk about the true meaning of education.
*****Wow what a wonderful RENDRENCE, thanks Aisha for enlightening us on importance of education.
Introduction to Tejas
Cousins are connected heart to heart. Distance and time cannot break them. He is been with me ever since I started crawling; we grew together, fought together and study together.
The hero popular for his marvelous DELIVERY of speech and unique style of PRESENTAION
I call up on Tejas to talk about the topic… if I am the CM of Kerala “
*****Sensational speech Tejas

Introduction to Diya
The Wise owl of the group, the most matured, self reliant child who always follows success and success follows her too.
She has bagged two first prizes for the school kalotsavam 2015.
Yes it’s none other than diya Al din.
****Diya it was an Exceptional performance.

Introduction to Evan
Einstein stated “ if you want your child to be intelligent read them fairy tales” I think Nisha aunty and Bijo uncle used to read umpteen fairy tales to our whiz kid Evan.
Let’s put our hands together to invite naughty genius and my friend of our group Evan for his speech.
******Phenomenal speech

Introduction to Lamiya
The next turn goes to the Bubbliest girl of our pdp who always wears a cheerful smile, very childish and loves to participate and mingle in everything. She is a new member
Let’s welcome Lamiya Shahjahan on to the stage to talk about student’s discipline.
*****Thanks Lamiya for the fantastic talk, we promise that we will take all steps to get ourselves disciplined.

Introduction to Ameya
The sweetest, cutest and youngest girl of our PDP Ameya is here to talk about Uses of water.
 ****Stupendous indeed Ameya

Introduction to Raihan
The smartest boy who joined us in our last session and took away everyone’s heart with his great take on table topic session… yes none other than Raihan to talk about planets .
*****Impressive speech
We all are always advised to change. Now it’s my turn to talk on “Don’t worry I will change”
Talent Zones:
Our PDP wonder kids are all multi talented and are ready to exhibit their other talents.

Introduction to Azim
He loves to sing, He loves to dance, always seen with his sister, toys are his weakness and super heroes are his passion.
Yes it is none other than im ,
Let’s welcome Azim to recite the Poem “Sick”
*****Superb Azim, you are a star.

Introduction to Jaden
He is a mamma’s boy, the tiny cute body builder of PDP… he loves to play with cars. Red, black, white or silver cars are his favorite.
Let’s welcome Jaden to recite a poem.

Next is tabling Topic Session, the most awaited session of PDP.  Shemi aunty and Shahjahan uncle are here today with a bunch of topics for us to ponder & talk
Let’s welcome them to conduct this most entertaining session of the day.
Wow what an amazing session, thank you uncle and aunty.
Next is our English master’s turn, my dear Papa is here to teach you few new words to build our vocabulary.
Nothing is complete without an evaluation, evaluations are just not to find faults are also to appreciate the best and improve the shortcomings.
I would like to request Bijo uncle to share his general feedback on today’s meeting and all other uncles and aunties to make their point if any.
Thank you Bijo uncle, we will improve ourselves.

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